Dean Myhre

Dean has been breeding purebred Hampshire hogs and exhibiting at the Minnesota State Fair since 1962, showing boars, open gilts, bred gilts and production derby barrows. He has shown numerous champions over that 46 year span. Another of his State Fair highlights is his daughter exhibiting the Grand Champion 4-H barrow. Dean has also financially supported the 4-H Purple Ribbon Auction as well as donating trophies for the State Fair 4-H swine show.
He has built a strong reputation as a breeder of superior Hampshire hogs. He has held production sales for many years selling boars and open gilts to both commercial swine producers and fellow breeders, with Myhre genetics being found throughout the United States.
Dean has bred many great Hampshire herd sires and foundation females throughout the years but the sire DMF8 Reachin’ Out is the sire that has impacted the Hampshire breed at the highest level. Named the Grand Champion prospect at the 1998 Fall Classic, Reachin’ Out sold for $75,000 to Top Cut Showpig Sires of Ohio. At the time, that was the second highest selling boar ever sold. This boar was placed in an AI stud program and made available to Hampshire breeders across the country. Reachin’ Out went on to write breed history, further feeding the demand for Myhre genetics. A son of Reachin’ Out sold at the Indiana State Fair for $130,000. A littermate gilt to this boar set a breed record selling price of $34,000. Other sires of note produced at the Myhre farm include Waylon, JR, PBR, Frontier, Justin, Iron Jack, Dr. B, A.C. and Dealers Choice.
Dean’s service to organizations spans all levels. He has served two terms (six years) on the National Hampshire Swine Registry Board, served on the Board of the Minnesota Purebred Swine Breeders Association and as president on the local level. He also spent 24 years on the Houston County Fair Board and was president of that organization for many years. He has been involved in the Houston County 4-H swine show, donating pigs to 4-H members as well as financially supporting the local livestock auction.
He and his wife, Connie, are parents of children Francis and wife Heather, as well as daughters Jennifer and husband Troy, Amanda and Caitlin. They are members of the Wilmington Lutheran Church and farm 1000 acres of corn and soybeans in Caledonia.