David Joos Jr.

Upon graduation from the University of Minnesota, St. Paul in 1966 with a major in Dairy Science and Agriculture Economics, Dave chose to return to the family farm in Hancock, Minnesota. At that time, there were 20 grade Holsteins bred to an Angus bull. He was introduced to registered Holsteins while at the University through his association with Floyd Marti, Dave Pierson, and Jim Schroeder so he decided to start his own Holstein herd.
He purchased his first registered heifer calf in 1967 and his first homebred animal, Da-Don First Lady, was born Feb. 19, 1971. She lived to be 15 years old and produced 226,918 pounds of milk. He was “hooked” at that point and has been in the Holstein business for 43 years. Through hard work and dogged dedication, his dream of a barn full of great, long lasting cows producing quality offspring was achieved.
Some of Dave’s Highlights:
- He developed an EX 95 4E cow
- Two bulls to A.I.
- Showed both the Grand and Reserve champion bulls at World Dairy Expo the same year
- A number of All American nominations
- Hosted the Minnesota Holstein field day and sale in 1986
- Served on the Minnesota Holstein board 9 years
- Elected delegate to many National Holstein conventions
- Chairman of the Junior activities and National Junior Convention chair in 1989
- Named Minnesota Holstein person of the year in 1987
- Long time meritorious award from Minnesota Holstein in 2000
- Several years of chaperoning Junior Holstein trip winners to World Dairy Expo
- Herd in top 200 many times nationwide
- Served on DHIA Board, Land O’ Lakes Board, and West Central Holstein Board
- Export cattle to other countries
- Judged at many 4-H, District and State Shows and fairs and helping local 4-H and FFA teams